Cyberduck sftp not working
Cyberduck sftp not working

If you have problems connecting, please submit a ticket to the Technology Help Desk, call x4357, send email to or stop by Library 101.

  • Enter the password associated with your Humboldt User Name.
  • Open Terminal by selecting Go > Utilities > Terminal.
  • To set up an SFTP connection to your Humboldt Network Folder from the command line, follow these steps:
  • The next time you want to get to your Humboldt Network Folder, open Cyberduck and select Bookmarks > My Network Folder (or whatever name you gave the connection).
  • Close the window to save your settings (Click on the red X in the top left-hand corner of the screen).
  • Give your connection a nickname (My Network Folder or something else that's easily identifiable).
  • You may find it useful to save this connection information so that you can easily find it the next time you need to use it.

    cyberduck sftp not working

    UserName: Your Humboldt User Name (e.g., abc123) Protocol: SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer)ģ. To use Cyberduck to set up an SFTP connection to your Humboldt Network Folder, follow these steps:ġ. Note: Command line access to Network Folders is not permitted for terminal or SSH connections. Advanced users may use the command line to connect to the server if they wish. The instructions below are based on Cyberduck v2.8. Please download and install Cyberduck before following the instructions below to upload a file to your Network Folder. The easiest way to copy files to and from the server is to simply drag and drop them using a finder.Cal Poly Humboldt recommends the use of the Cyberduck SFTP application for OS X secure file transfers.

    cyberduck sftp not working

    Click the Bookmark icon again to return to the main screen.A new window will appear with the bookmark details close the window to save the bookmark.At the bottom of the CyberDuck window, click the (+) sign to add a new bookmark.You may now see the files and folders on your server.Cyberduck is an Open-Source product licensed under the GPL and free to use. Support for external editors and system technologies such as Spotlight, Bonjour, Keychain, and AppleScript are built-in. Please note If you are using the default FTP username, the password is your control panel password. Cyberduck is a robust FTP/FTP-TLS/SFTP browser for the Mac whose lack of visual clutter and cleverly intuitive features make it easy to use. For the Password - Enter your FTP password.

    cyberduck sftp not working

    Please note that your username may contain where is your domain name.

    cyberduck sftp not working

    For the Username - It can be found by visiting the FTP Accounts section of the control panel.If your nameservers are not pointed to us, please use the IP address you received in your introductory email message.If your nameservers are pointed to and, you may simply enter your domain name.For the Protocol - make sure that FTP is selected.You will see a window appear that asks for your login information.The program is installed by dragging the CyberDuck icon into your computer's applications folder. It can be downloaded free of charge from. Among the various free FTP programs available to download on the internet for Mac OS X, we recommend CyberDuck.

    Cyberduck sftp not working